Auction Closed


Auction #283901

Sterling Silver – Mid-Century Modern Furniture – Stella Music Box – Antiques – Lawn & Garden  

Ended Thu, Oct, 24th 03:00 PM US/Eastern

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Sterling Silver - Mid-Century Modern Furniture – Stella Music Box – Antiques - Lawn & Garden



Auctioneers Note: Join us for this quality auction featuring a wide variety of early antique furniture, Mid-Century Modern furniture, toys, antiques, and more. Plan to join us for the day-We look forward to spending it with you. Auction Preview: Wednesday, 10 AM-3 PM. Doors open Thursday, 8AM.


Sterling Silver: (2) Flatware sets; (1) lot of solid Sterling silver serving pieces; (3) lots of weighted Sterling silver items & Sterling silver jewelry.
Antiques: Fantastic walnut double grain bin; country French pine 3- drawer table; oriental stands; school master’s desk; inlaid vitrine; marquetry inlaid desk; (2) Victorian parlor chairs; marble top tables; 3-piece carved parlor suite; carved sofa w/birds; mahogany dining room suite; oak desk; cast iron bench; Stella 10” music box in mahogany case; large bronze; Pettibone sword; guitars; good selection quality art work; china sets; glassware; large Galle vase; quilt; vintage women’s clothing; girl’s bike w/light; (4) unusual wrought iron planters; decorative items & much more.
Mid-Century Modern: Danflex teak tambour door gentleman’s chest; teak arched door curio cabinet; Lu Van guitar pick stacking tables; Heywood Wakefield Cliff House cherry bedroom suite; tile-top coffee table; office chair; lucite stand; glass serving cart; (4) wrought iron dining room chairs; & china cabinet.
Lawn & Garden: Like-new John Deere riding mower w/low hours; lawn cart; snapper riding mower; & snow blower.
Furniture: Oak 4-piece bedroom suite; oak desk w/matching chest; oak chifferobe; reclining loveseat; leather recliner; oak rolltop desk; mahogany jewelry chest; pottery barn cupboard; pottery barn patio chairs; mahogany nesting tables; ottoman; side chairs; glass top table; day bed; bed frame; dressing screen; tilt top table; grandfather clock; upholstered bench & much more.

Sterling Silver: (2) Flatware sets; (1) lot of solid sterling silver serving pieces; (3) lots of weighted sterling silver items & sterling silver jewelry.
Antiques: Fantastic walnut grain bin; country French pine (3) drawer table; oriental stands; school masters desk; inlaid vitrine; marquetry inlaid desk; (2) Victorian parlor chairs; marble top tables; 3-piece carved parlor suite; carved sofa w/birds; mahogany dining room suite; oak desk; cast iron bench; Stella 10” music box in mahogany case; large bronze; Pettibone sword; guitars; good selection of quality art work; china sets; glassware; large Galle vase; quilt; vintage women’s clothing; girls bike w/light; (4) unusual wrought iron planters; decorative items & much more.
Mid Century Modern: Danflex teak tambour door gentleman’s chest; teak arched door curio cabinet; Lu Van guitar pick stacking tables; Heywood Wakefield Cliff House cherry bedroom suite; tile top coffee table; office chair; lucite stand; glass serving cart; (4) wrought iron dining room chairs & a china cabinet.
Lawn & Garden: Like new John Deere riding mower w/low hours; lawn cart; snapper riding mower & a snow blower.
Furniture: Oak 4-piece bedroom suite; oak desk w/matching chest; oak chifferobe; reclining loveseat; leather recliner; oak roll top desk; mahogany jewelry chest; pottery barn cupboard; pottery barn patio chairs; mahogany nesting tables; ottoman; side chairs; glass top table; day bed; bed frame; dressing screen; tilt top table; grandfather clock; upholstered bench & much more.



Cedar Land Event Center: From the middle of Cedarville (US 42 & SR 72), take N Main St south to east on Parkview.



Wed Oct 23, from 10 AM to 3 PM and

Thurs. (auction day) from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Payment: All purchases will be paid for in U.S. funds by the close of the auction via cash, check, or credit card (MC/VISA - additional 4% convenience fee charged) PRIOR TO LOADING VEHICLE OR LEAVING PREMISES.