Auction Closed


Auction #287354

LIVE & ONLINE ANTIQUE AUCTION Clocks ♦ Antiques ♦ Music Boxes ♦ Furniture ♦ More Thursday, January 30 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

Ended Thu, Jan, 30th 11:59 PM US/Eastern


Clocks ♦ Antiques ♦ Music Boxes ♦ Furniture ♦ More

Thursday, January 30 @ 10:00 AM (EST)


Clocks ♦ Antiques ♦ Music Boxes ♦ Furniture ♦ More

Thursday, January 30 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

Be sure to view the items on the web or download the catalog for a list of what is for sale! There may be some items in this auction which will sell live only. Call our office or visit us on the web at for further information!

Clocks: Rare Jerome octagon gallery; Rare Luman Watson tall case; Rare Ingraham Mosaic Grecian; Herchede Gothic mantle; Terry tombstone mantle; Ingraham walnut gallery; Waterbury octagon gallery; Atkins short drop wall; Ingraham figure 8 mantle; Ansonia brass wall; Waterbury lever gallery; S.B. Jerome gallery; Waterbury Lenox wall; Jerome travel mahogany; Yale Ideal paperweight; Ansonia Young America mantle; Small Sessions humpback; Seth Thomas Lodge brass; Jerome round gallery; Waterbury Cairo wall; Ingraham Venetian mantle; New Haven Obi wall; Gilbert Keystone mantle; Rare Manross flat band; Antique tall case; Ansonia Cable lever; Rare Ansonia Bouquet gallery; Elisha Manross gallery; Ingraham Reflector model; Birge Empire column; American Clock Co. lever; Waterbury Clipper brass; Self Winding Model 10; Ithaca Granger double dial; Rare Ingraham Arch Column; Rare Ansonia Octagon gallery; Herschede Symphony mantle; Waterbury Wren mantle; New Haven calendar shelf; Seth Thomas OG weight; New Haven gallery.
Oil Bottles: John Deere oil bottle; Texaco fire chief bottle; Mobil oil bottle; Texaco oil bottle; Farmall oil bottle; Standard Oil bottles w/rack.
Household: Handmade quilts; vintage Steiff bear pull toy; jewelry box w/misc. jewelry; parasols & doll sled; vintage photograph albums; Longaberger baskets; Vogue picture records; stamp collection & albums; cigar box misc. items; porcelain glove molds; walnut checkerboard; flat of advertising tins; Steiff teddy bear tea set; child’s dressing screen; cherry spool cabinet; cherry roll barber cabinet; wicker serving table; antique trunk; child’s ironing board; Victorian piano stool; patio rug; metal organizing cabinets.
Furniture: Oak Dye cabinet; Diamond Dye cabinet; walnut doll cradle & bed; child's rocker & swing; walnut step back bookcase; Victorian drop front desk; Victorian candle stand; walnut hall tree w/mirror; Victorian adjustable easel; Victorian cane armchairs; oak drop leaf dining table; mahogany shaving stand; walnut swivel office chair; walnut rocker w/caned seat; oak caned dining chairs; cast iron school desk.


Cedar Land Event Center: 200 Parkview Lane, Cedarville, OH 45314
From the middle of Cedarville (US 42 & SR 72), take N Main St south to east on Parkview


Wednesday, January 29, from 10AM – 3PM &
Thursday (Auction Day) from 8AM – 10AM


PLEASE NOTE: All online bidders agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby:

Buyer Premium: A Buyer Premium of 18% is added to the high bid for all online purchases and 10% for all in-person purchases. Please take this into consideration when bidding. Bid price + buyer premium = sale price.
Pickup and Shipping: Items may be picked up from Auction location subject to payment terms noted below on Friday, January 31 between 9AM and 3PM. Payment in full must be received at or before pickup time. SHERIDANS will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage of items if they remain at our facility after this pick-up time. If you purchase a titled vehicle, trailer, or other item, the title will be mailed 15 BUSINESS days beginning the day after the close of the auction.
Payment (for Online Purchase Pickups ONLY): Cash, check, wire transfer (for wire transfers add $35; instructions available upon request), or MC/VISA (for credit card purchases add 4% convenience fee). All sales are FINAL – no refunds. Sales tax (6.75%) charged to all onsite bidders, Ohio online bidders, and out-of-state online bidders who will pick up and pay for their items at the auction site. Sales tax will not be charged for titled vehicle/motorcycle or coin purchases.
The successful bidder whose payment is insufficient to satisfy his/her invoice total will be considered in default and will be flagged in our database. SHERIDANS reserves the right to sell to the next highest qualified bidder in the event the successful high bidder does not comply with the terms of the sale. By bidding on the items in the auction, the buyer agrees to all terms and conditions set forth. By registering and placing a bid you agree that if you happen to become a default bidder, SHERIDANS has the right to charge your credit card for the entire balance of your invoice, plus any and all costs incurred by the Seller and SHERIDANS in a subsequent resell of the item(s). If SHERIDANS is able to sell your item to the next highest qualified bidder at a price lower than the auction high bid price, the default bidder agrees to allow SHERIDANS to charge their credit card for the difference in their high bid price and the actual selling price to the backup bidder.
Inspection: Public Inspection Wednesday, January 29, 10:00 AM through 3:00 PM and date of auction (January 30), 8:00 AM through 10:00 AM. Auction Agents and staff will be available at the auction’s location to facilitate video inspections prior to the auction date.
Modifications and Technical Difficulties: SHERIDANS retains full discretion to modify the date, time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, emergencies, and convenience of SHERIDANS or the Seller.
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Disclaimers: All items sold AS IS, WHERE IS with all faults and without warranty expressed or implied. SHERIDANS is not responsible for any missing or incorrect listing information. We have attempted to provide accurate descriptions; however, it is the bidder's responsibility to execute due diligence by inspecting the items, asking questions, and/or conducting any video or photographic inspections to determine the condition of each item. Descriptions that are provided by the Auction Company are provided in good faith and may be matters of opinion. It is automatically acknowledged by registering that you have inspected the items being sold to your satisfaction. By placing a bid, this creates a contractual agreement to purchase the items being sold at the high bid price plus Buyers Premium and any additional fees.


Payment (for Online Purchase Pickups ONLY): Cash, check, wire transfer (for wire transfers add $35; instructions available upon request), or MC/VISA (for credit card purchases add 4% convenience fee). All sales are FINAL – no refunds. Sales tax (6.75%) charged to all onsite bidders, Ohio online bidders, and out-of-state online bidders who will pick up and pay for their items at the auction site. Sales tax will not be charged for titled vehicle/motorcycle or coin purchases.
Buyer Premium: A Buyer Premium of 18% is added to the high bid for all online purchases and 10% for all in-person purchases. Please take this into consideration when bidding. Bid price + buyer premium = sale price.
The successful bidder whose payment is insufficient to satisfy his/her invoice total will be considered in default and will be flagged in our database. SHERIDANS reserves the right to sell to the next highest qualified bidder in the event the successful high bidder does not comply with the terms of the sale. By bidding on the items in the auction, the buyer agrees to all terms and conditions set forth. By registering and placing a bid you agree that if you happen to become a default bidder, SHERIDANS has the right to charge your credit card for the entire balance of your invoice, plus any and all costs incurred by the Seller and SHERIDANS in a subsequent resell of the item(s). If SHERIDANS is able to sell your item to the next highest qualified bidder at a price lower than the auction high bid price, the default bidder agrees to allow SHERIDANS to charge their credit card for the difference in their high bid price and the actual selling price to the backup bidder.
