Auction Closed


Auction #290554

PLEASE BRING CHAIRS IF YOU WISH TO SIT DURING THE AUCTION! GREENE CO FFA ALUMNI CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Tractors ♦ Combines ♦ Equipment ♦ Tools Saturday ♦ March 8 ♦ 10:00 AM Webcast Bidding Begins at 11:00 AM

Ended Sat, Mar, 8th 04:00 PM US/Eastern



Tractors ♦ Combines ♦ Equipment ♦ Tools
Saturday March 8 10:00 AM

Webcast Bidding Begins at 11:00 AM


Auctioneers Note: Now in its 13th YEAR, the Greene County FFA Alumni Association Consignment Auction has become one of the premier annual consignment auctions in the region. Join us for a great selection of good machinery and equipment from throughout the area. Bidding links will be provided - check back often. The Greene County FFA Alumni Association provides assistance and financial support to many deserving youth throughout the year. All consignment fees go to support these Alumni Association endeavors. Join us for a well-rounded and always exciting auction!


Live and online bidding for the equipment lineup will be conducted "gallery style" in the barn beginning at 11:00 AM 

Consignments Cataloged Friday, March 7 - Check in after noon for complete listing
(Check back regularly for updates. Links will be provided here for online bidding.)

Consignment Delivery: 

Wednesday, March 5, 9 AM-4:30 PM
Thursday, March 6, 9 AM-4:30 PM

Inspection Date:

Friday, March 7, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM

Consignment Rates . . .

$1001 and greater 8%
$101-$1,000 12%
$51-$100 20%

$0-50 100% DONATION
No Sale (max of $150) 3%

No titled vehicles or trailers allowed. Please consult consignment rate schedule above when considering what to consign. All items sold for $50 or less will be considered a 100% donation to the Greene County FFA Alumni Association

Note: Commission rates will be charged per item with a maximum commission of $500 per item. Commission rates are inclusive of all advertising and labor costs. Each consignor is responsible for his/her own buy-backs.


Saturday, March 8 (immediately following auction to sundown)
Sunday, March 9, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM

Loader tractors will be on premises Saturday, March 8 at the posted loadout times only. Limited delivery available by contacting Auction Coordinators below.

    Online Bidding Begins Friday, March 7, 4:00 PM


    Auction Coordinators:

    Bob King - 937.479.9135
    Tim Kerns - 937.974.5785

    Auction Manager:

    Bart Sheridan - 937.766.2300


    Greene County Fairgrounds, 120 Fairground Rd., Xenia, OH. From the center of Xenia, follow N. Detroit Street (US 68) N to left (W) on W. Ankeney Mill Rd. This becomes Fairground Rd at the corporation line.


    Inspection Date: Friday, March 7, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM


    PLEASE NOTE: All online bidders agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby:

    Buyer Premium: A Buyer Premium of 13% is added to the high bid for all online purchases and 5% for all in-person purchases. Please take this into consideration when bidding. Bid price + buyer premium = sale price. 
    Sales Tax: NO sales tax charged
    Loadout and Pickup Instructions: Loader(s) will be on premises Saturday, March 8 at the conclusion of the auction and on Sunday, March 9, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM, for loading. Limited delivery available by contacting Auction Coordinators below. All purchased items must be picked up by Sunday at close of loading unless other arrangements have been made.
    Checkout Date & Times: Onsite purchasers - within hour after completion of auction. Online purchasers - Payment will be due by time of Saturday (March 8) pickup. Pay onsite with cash, check, or credit card (MC/Visa with 4% convenience fee), No items will be removed from auction site prior to payment. Any items not removed by end of day Saturday are the sole responsibility of the Purchaser and will be moved by the Auction Coordinators on Monday, March 10, 2025.
    Bidder Responsibilities: The successful bidder whose payment is insufficient to satisfy his/her invoice total will be considered in default and will be flagged in our database. SHERIDANS reserves the right to sell to the next highest qualified bidder in the event the successful high bidder does not comply with the terms of the sale. By bidding on the items in the auction, the buyer agrees to all terms and conditions set forth. By registering and placing a bid you agree that if you happen to become a default bidder, SHERIDANS has the right to charge your credit card for the entire balance of your invoice, plus any and all costs incurred by the Seller and SHERIDANS in a subsequent resell of the item(s). If SHERIDANS is able to sell your item to the next highest qualified bidder at a price lower than the auction high bid price, the default bidder agrees to allow SHERIDANS to charge their credit card for the difference in their high bid price and the actual selling price to the backup bidder.
    Preview Date & Times: Friday, March 7, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Saturday, March 8, 8-10:00 AM. View photos and catalog online.
    Modifications and Technical Difficulties: SHERIDANS retains full discretion to modify the date, time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, emergencies, and convenience of SHERIDANS or the Seller.
    In the event that there are technical difficulties related to the server, software or any other online auction-related technologies, SHERIDANS and the Seller reserve the right to extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the bidding platform nor SHERIDANS nor the Seller shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. Email notifications may be sent to registered bidders with updated information as deemed necessary.
    Bidder’s Agreement: Your use of this site and bid placement constitutes your acceptance and agreement to adhere to these terms. Please print a copy for your records. All bidders are responsible for reading all terms and conditions carefully. Lack of knowledge of Auction Terms and Conditions will not release bidders from their obligations.
    Disclaimers: All items sold AS IS, WHERE IS with all faults and without warranty expressed or implied. SHERIDANS is not responsible for any missing or incorrect listing information. We have attempted to provide accurate descriptions; however, it is the bidder's responsibility to execute due diligence by inspecting the items, asking questions, and/or conducting any video or photographic inspections to determine the condition of each item. Descriptions that are provided by the Auction Company are provided in good faith and may be matters of opinion. It is automatically acknowledged by registering that you have inspected the items being sold to your satisfaction. By placing a bid, this creates a contractual agreement to purchase the items being sold at the high bid price plus Buyers Premium and any additional fees.


    Checkout Date & Times: Onsite purchasers - within hour after completion of auction. Online purchasers - Payment will be due by time of Saturday (March 8) pickup. Pay onsite with cash, check, or credit card (MC/Visa with 4% convenience fee) No items are to be removed from auction site prior to payment. Any items not removed by end of day Saturday are the sole responsibility of the Purchaser.
